Freya’s secret to a sculpted core: key motions for a flat stomach

Regarding core strength, Freya swears on a set of easy yet powerful workouts. Consistency is the actual key, she says. Her go-to regimen for toning your abs and strengthening your core is here.

1. Plank Variations

Freya thinks that side and conventional planks are fundamental. Beginning with a simple plank, hold for thirty seconds then progressively extend your duration as your strength grows. “Side planks are fantastic for hitting those obliques,” Freya notes. For a further burn, challenge yourself by raising one leg or adding plank rotations.

2. Bicycle Crisches

Lie back, hands behind your head, then alternate your elbows to reach your opposing knee. Freya says to do three sets of fifteen repetitions. “Make sure you avoid pulling on your neck and engage your whole core,” she advises.

3. Leg Ascends

Perfect for the lower abs is this workout. Freya advises “keep your lower back pressed into the floor.” Perform 10 to 12 repetitions every set to guarantee control of your motions both on the way up and down.

4. Russian Turns

From side to side, sit with your knees bent and feet off the floor twisting your torso. To challenge Freya, she adds a weight or medicine ball. She laughs, “It’s a killer move for obliques.” Try twenty turns on each side.

Fifteen to twenty minutes will allow you to complete this quick yet intense core workout “Stay patient with your progress,” Freya advises us, “pair your workout with good nutrition for the best results.”
