Effortless Grace: Low-impact Pilates moves for a sculpted body from Skye

Find out how Skye’s mild but powerful Pilates program may change your workout without aggravating your joints.

Pilates for Skye goes beyond only toning the body to include feeling strong and elegant from the inside out.

“I think fitness should be kind to your body and sustainable,” adds committed Pilates teacher Skye. Her approach emphasises low-impact exercises meant to increase lean muscle and correct posture while keeping sessions free from injuries.

1. Stretch for Roll Down

To start waking your spine, do a basic Roll Down Stretch. Rising tall with your feet hip-width apart, gently slide your spine downward until your fingertips contact the floor.

Spend a few seconds holding then roll back. This action straightens the spine and helps one relax mentally. “Imagine melting tension away with every breath,” Skye says.

2. Circles of Leg Leg

Lay on your back and gently draw soft circles in the air one leg stretched to the ceiling. To work your hips and lower abdomines, keep your core engaged and motions under control. Change legs and go back again. “This exercise tones and increases hip mobility as well,” Skye notes.

3. Leg lifts from the side lying position

Rest on one side, your lower arm supporting your head. Maintaining constant motion, lift and drop your top leg. Feel the burn in your glues and outer thigh. “This classic action tones and sculpts the lower body,” Skye says.

4. Spin Twist for the spine

Standing tall, stretch your legs ahead of you. Maintaining your long spine, twist your torso to the right then to the left. Targeting the obliques, this workout promotes flexibility. Skye’s recommendation is Consider wringing away any tension or anxiety.

Anyone looking for a focused, efficient exercise would find these low-impact ones perfect. Skye stresses, “Pilates is a practice of self-love not only a workout.”