Harper Bennett’s Best Low-Glycemic Fruits for Blood Sugar Control

Nutritionist Harper Bennett, who specializes in blood sugar control, thinks that when it comes to diabetes not all fruits are made equally.

Her method emphasizes low-glycemic foods that naturally sweeten without appreciably raising blood sugar levels. Let’s start with Harper’s top suggestions.

What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) gauges a food’s rapid blood sugar raising action. Low-GI fruits are broken down more slowly, Harper notes, which causes blood sugar to increase gradually and improves general control.

Harper’s Top Low-Glycemic Fruits

Low in sugar but strong in antioxidants, berries—such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries—are Harper’s favorite fruit. She also advises apples, which have a modest GI and lots of fiber. Another outstanding choice with low glycemic load and anti-inflammatory properties are cherries.

How to Enjoy Low-Glycemic Fruits

Harper advises for a low-GI start to your day adding some berries to your morning yogurt or cereal. A great snack is an apple along with a spoonful of almond butter. Selecting these low-glycemic fruits will let you savor natural sweetness without sacrificing your blood sugar management.